Tuesday 7 February 2012

MY experience with chef boutiQue>>>amazing

Chef boutique brings international cooking to the household kitchens of kuwait.My experience was more than enjoyable.ijoined the italian course yesterday evening.we did soup,salad,and main course creamy chicken mashroom pasta.
in two hourse and half we lived in a beautiful experience with very smily happy faces:D

Have a look on the place

very fresh ingredient prapered for you

This is our working area

Our salad ingredient:baby spanish+pumkin+balsaml sauce +oilves oil
Here you are my delicious salad :D ready to eat 
our main course :the pasta:D
adding the cream and cooking the pasta 
My creamy pasta looking so well 
itook my food with me home to show every one my great efford 


  1. wooooooooooow 3asht brarri 3ad thwgena mn eydch

  2. allaaaaaaaaah ilove it 7deeeee the place look great

  3. ابي ابي اسجل معاكم
